Basically, 2012 went by in a complete and total blur for me. For someone who prides herself on being organized and together I quite frankly do not know how I got through last year. But I did discover a few things along the way:
- PODCASTS. How come no one ever told me how freakin' awesome these were?! There is a unbelievable wealth of information out there on virtually every subject you can imagine and most of it is FREE! I know you (and everyone else) have known this since day one, but I feel like I have struck gold. I love listening to them on my (albeit short) commute to and from work and when I am working in the studio. My two favorites are:Fantastic fitness and nutrition info following a #NSNG No Sugar No Grains philosophy with a Hollywood insider twist and liberal pinches of sassy explicitness make for a thought (and giggle) provoking podcast. If you love a good rant and some spicy language, this podcast is for you. It appears to be especially popular with the female triathlon community, but the #NSNG philosophy is for EVERYONE.
If you are interested in nutrition or digestive health, this is the podcast for you. Diane Sanfilippo is now the 9x NYTimes bestselling author of "Practical Paleo," the easy how-to Paleo book and outstanding cookbook I highly recommend to anyone looking to take charge of their diet and health. Hint: on the podcast skip the first ten to fifteen minutes of banter and get straight to the question/answer section.
- CARBON FIBER. Oh, how I love my new bike. I started out in triathlon on a Trek
mountain bike not knowing how much I was going to enjoy road riding (and
hate mountain biking!). In year two I moved up to a friends loaner
Trek 2000. It was a big difference and it gave me a chance to think about the
road bike I wanted to buy. It only took me a year and a half!Behold... the Mighty Pegasus (aka Trek Madone 4.7):May he steadfastly lead me to victory in 2013!
- TWITTER. I resisted for a long time. "Who needs it," I said. "I have much more to say that 140 characters," I said. Just as with the podcasts, Twitter provides a wealth of information (and a heap of crap, too, if you're not careful who you follow). I'm sticking with my new #NSNG #fatadapting new triathlon friends for the most part.
There were undoubtedly more that three, but I can't remember them now. However, be certain I am going to be talking more about these three AND how I am becoming a fat adapted triathlete in future posts. I hope you'll stay tuned!